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Worship at Our Redeemer
Maintaining the historic order of service that has come down to us from the earliest centuries of Christianity we gather for worship every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Our worship is supported with high quality organ music and is regularly augmented by instrumental and choral ensembles.
We believe that since the fall of the first man, Adam, all human beings stand in need of forgiveness and reconciliation with both God and one another. We celebrate this forgiveness in worship, and for this reason worship is central to life at Our Redeemer. As we worship, we hear God’s gracious and saving Word of Law and Gospel, we sing God’s praises through the great hymns of faith, and we receive God’s gift of forgiveness through the Holy Communion. Being restored again by this most profound encounter with God we offer prayers of thanksgiving and intercession for the church, the world, and all who are in need.
Holy Communion
By the mysterious power of God, Jesus is truly present with us when we in faith eat and drink the visible elements of bread and wine. Jesus offered bread and said, “This is my body.” He then offered a cup of wine and said, “This is my blood.” He said that when we eat and drink these we receive the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus’ body and blood are in, with, and under common bread and wine and as such truly present the forgiveness of our sins and the renewal of our faith.
Holy Baptism
In much the same way that God uses ordinary bread and wine and makes it holy for our communion, by His Word God attaches the promise of salvation to ordinary water making it a Holy Baptism. Through this mystery of water and word we are given the gift of salvation.
A congregation is a group of baptized people who have been connected to Jesus and share a common confession of faith. The members of Our Redeemer share our Christian faith in the Lutheran tradition every Sunday in Divine Service as we publicly confess and celebrate our faith through the historic creeds of the Christian Church, the liturgy, and the sacraments.
As Lutheran Christians we have further explanations of our faith dating from the Lutheran Reformation. Perhaps the best known and most used is the Small Catechism of Martin Luther, in which he explains in simple words the basic Christian understanding of sin, salvation, prayer, and the Christian life. He does this under the topics of the ten commandments, the creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution, and Holy Communion.
Anyone interested in considering membership in the congregation should speak with the pastor.
Recorded Services
We have started recording our services, starting with the organ prelude and concluding with the postlude with everything in between. You only need to have the capability to play mp3 files, which most computers, tablets, and smart phones can do. All files are named with the date of the recording, such 181223-001.mp3. Click on the link below to select the service you would like to hear:
In addition to the recorded service, we are now including the Worship Service Bulletin to make it easier to follow along with the service. The file can be identified by the same date as the recorded service, followed by “WorshipService”.