Other Missouri Synod Churches in Hawaii
Christ Lutheran
595 Kapiolani Street
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Phone: 808-935-8612
Website: www.christhilo.org
Emmanuel Lutheran
520 West One Street
Kahului, Hawaii 96732
Phone: 808-935-8612
Good Shepherd Lutheran
638 North Kuakini Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Phone: 808-523-2927
Website: www.goodshepherdhonolulu.org
Messiah Lutheran
91-679 Ft. Weaver Road
Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706
Phone: 808-358-5776
Our Savior Lutheran
98-1098 Moanalua Road
Aiea, Hawaii 96701
Phone: 808-488-3654
Website: www.oursaviorhawaii.com
St. Mark Lutheran
45-725 Kamehameha Highway
Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744
Phone: 808-247-4565
Website: www.stmarkhawaii.org
Trinity Lutheran
1611 California Avenue
Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786
Phone: 808-621-6033 ext. 2
Website: www.trinity-hawaii.org
Waikoloa Lutheran
68-3670 Paniolo Avenue, Lot 1B
Waikoloa, Hawaii96738
Phone: 808-883-9255
Website: www.waikoloalutheranchurch.com
Synodical Offices
California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Office
2772 Constitution Drive Suite A
Livermore, CA 94551-7571
Phone: 866-264-6079
E-mail: CNHDistrict@cnh-lcms.org
Website: www.cnh-lcms.org
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod National Office
13333 S. Kirkwood road
St. Louis, Missouri 63122-7226
Phone: 888-843-5267
Website: www.lcms.org
Other Links
Concordia Publishing House
3558 South Jefferson Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63118
Phone: 800-325-3040
Website: www.cph.org
Our Missions:
Near the end of last year a mission meeting was held and a number of ORLC congregants attended to hash over what to do with the money that has been earmarked by the finance committee for various mission organizations. At the most recent board of Directors meeting it was decided, by a landslide, to donate funds to 4 separate organizations. This is a link to one of these missions.